Sleep-Talking Sagas

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 3, 2011

Best night yet.

It started with this, which I wasn't awake for. Words in brackets are ones I didn't understand:

"Oh no! I [had this] drool! It was like *sluuuurp* *slide* *fffff*! (giggles) It's like *sfiiiiing*! Just kidding, I really didn't spit. Did YOU? (laughter) Oh, it kills me..."

Then there was this little bit of confusion later:

Then later, this little statement about a popular rap artist. I was awake for this one:

"Oh my. Uh...Chris Brown is so weird."


  1. so.....does she know you post this stuff? I mean I'm new to your blog and all, this is the first post I seen, so I have to ask.

  2. She does, and she probably thinks it's funniest out of anybody!
